What respiratory mask to travel in Asia?
It is difficult to give an average pollution level for Asia because air pollution varies greatly from place to place. It depends on many factors, such as proximity to pollution sources, weather con...
Air pollution: what are PM2.5 particles?
Every day, we breathe between 10,000 and 20,000 litres of air depending on our body size and physical activity to provide our bodies with the oxygen they need. This air contains natural polluta...
Useful and affordable Christmas gift idea for a cyclist
Christmas is fast approaching and like every year, the race for ideas returns. Everyone is looking for the best smart, original but also useful and affordable gift that will please your loved o...
Cycling in the city: why maintenance is (really) important
Bicycling is the champion of urban mobility: faster than public transport, more environmentally friendly than cars, better for your health than the metro. But to ensure that your trusty steed conti...
Why do bikers underestimate anti-pollution masks ?
Motorcyclists ride in the middle of road traffic, the place where air pollution remains the most concentrated. These particles come mainly from exhaust fumes, worn brake pads and tires on aspha...
How do FFP2/N95 respiratory filters work?
The respiratory filter is the essential element of any anti-pollution mask in order to trap fine particles . It can be sewn into the mass or removable. Let's see how respiratory filters work? How t...
How to protect from fine particles?
Air pollution is a real public health issue. With more than 40,000 deaths per year attributed to poor air quality, according to French authorities, it is even a national problem. Fine particles, mi...
impact of air pollution on mental health
I heard that there was an impact of air pollution on mental health. This summary of an article published on 11/17/2021 on allows you to dig out a little more. People repeat...
Bike commuting advantages
The bicycle free floating available in large cities since the early 2000s have paved the way for short urban bike trips. But it is really since the 2020 pandemic, once the lockdowns and the gradual...